They propose stiffer requirements that could drive out nearly 300,000 of the 900,000 children who are currently enrolled.
The institute is also planning stiffer educational requirements.
Germany insisted on that stiff requirement because of concerns about giving up its strong mark.
The room where our grandfather's nurses had stayed became an office for Bart's secretary when or if he ever found one who met his stiff requirements.
It seemed the £ had a stiff requirement for intruders who caused inconvenience!
Congressional officials said a few conservative Southern states, which are less inclined to grant unemployment benefits, could choose the stiffer requirement.
The law has stiffer requirements as well for what records must be produced by the debtor.
Apparently, is one of the few, if any, online webboards that have such stiff requirements involving personal identity of the member.
Emeral Crosby, the principal, says the report prodded the stiffer requirements.
The plan, which calls for new tests and stiffer academic requirements for high school students, has been criticized by affluent school systems.