Uschi's stern parents represent the traditional values which conflicted with the emerging youth culture in the city.
What they required was clear: the guiding hand of a stern parent to turn them toward a more productive life.
A stern parent, he took an active part in educating his children.
"But a lot of public health agencies just want us to be a stern parent and to preach to our customers."
His voice was that of a stern parent.
Although they walked what seemed to be only a few hundred yards, the hills were suddenly much closer, looming overhead like stern parents.
Like a small child being told by stern parent she picked up the drink and tossed it back at a gulp.
Though not a tactile person, Common was not a stern parent and never struck his children.
Turning around, he was faced with the castle itself, which seemed to him sometimes like a stern parent, frowning on any impropriety below.
Michele loves his stern parents but is too young to unscramble all their emotional signals.