The guerrilla leader said the guerrillas had begun to put into action a post-Geneva strategy that foresaw stepped-up attacks on remaining Soviet bases while the troops withdrew.
Mr. Edwards's use of Mr. Lay reflected his stepped-up attacks on the administration in the past two weeks.
Despite the stepped-up attacks, military experts generally discount the likelihood of an all-out Russian invasion of Chechnya.
The barrage followed stepped-up attacks by the pro-Iranian guerrillas on the so-called security zone that Israel established in that part of Lebanon.
The most obvious cause of El Salvador's latest descent into violence is the guerrillas' sharply stepped-up attacks.
Kuwait's requests for Soviet and American protection of its tankers was prompted by Iran's stepped-up attacks last fall.
Mr. Kerry's stepped-up attack came as his campaign was trying to lure yet another veteran of the Clinton administration to its expanding high command.
Faced with stepped-up attacks, military officials said they began to carry out raids to try to disrupt efforts to train and equip Shiite militants with the weapon.
Pakistan may fear that if it is not a party to the withdrawal, it may become the target of stepped-up attacks against rebel bases on its territory.
He has ordered stepped-up attacks on rodents in poor neighborhoods.