And No. 2, to take steps to insure that the people never experience this again; there has to be a moral consideration here.
The letter called upon the university's board of trustees to "take the necessary steps to insure that such actions are not repeated."
It said it would take steps to insure that the subject of the investigation did not become public.
But this step would insure a longer headstart for him and he desperately needed additional time.
Undoubtedly, they would want to take steps to insure that Archer could not do anything else to interfere in their affairs.
"But we are certain that we must take steps to insure our long-range financial stability."
Others had come vowing to take steps to insure that such an incident would not happen again.
These steps would not insure against future lost generations in Ulster.
We will continue to take all prudent steps to insure that the negotiations are successful.