These steps have eliminated what is known as surge capacity, the ability of hospitals to handle a sharp increase in patients.
The first step in reducing the body burden of these pollutants is eliminating or phasing out their production.
The next big step is eliminating all the debris.
The final step to the cure is eliminating the need for tadpoles, of course.
Because air fares represent almost 50 percent of the travel budget, a crucial step in cutting costs is eliminating unnecessary flights.
They should take steps to reduce if not eliminate corruption.
Today we are being repeatedly asked to take steps to eliminate this division,' such as breaking down the Berlin Wall, he said.
The first step in treating dermatitis is identifying and eliminating the cause.
The two experimental steps eliminated most cells in which the transplanted gene had gone to any place other than the target.
Where there are unjustified disparities, we work with others to determine why they exist and to take steps to eliminate them.