Many of Florida's year 2000 election night problems stemmed from usability and ballot design factors with voting systems, including the potentially confusing "butterfly ballot."
They have certain powers stemming from the Dark One, including the ability to cause paralyzing fear with a look, and to vanish wherever there are shadows.
Nine of these stemmed from incidents outside the holding centres, including five from a single incident involving plastic handcuffs.
Many legends stem from this era, including tales of murdered prostitutes and shootouts between unruly gamblers.
The savings stem from many causes, including cuts made by Congress, low inflation and efforts to rein in fraud.
The company said the loss stemmed from higher interest expenses and losses on its investments, including the redemption of preferred stock.
Searchable reference for word stems including affixes (prefixes and suffixes)
The board, which meets three times annually in Atlanta, seeks to alleviate problems stemming from growth, including environmental issues and dislocation from urban renewal.
From this refusal stems most of the other costs, including lost wages from processing fewer potatoes.
In later life, the actress was plagued by health issues stemming from obesity, including diabetes.