The new tactics of the rebels stem in large part from divisions within their movement.
The agreement reached today stems in large part from the problems both national programs have faced in recent years.
The disappointing results stem in good part from the fact that a genuinely competitive market for electricity production has not developed.
But Merrill's management says the costs are real, stemming in large part from significant miscalculations about future growth and the need for office space.
But the current problems also stem in large part, they say, from a flaw in the design of the suspension bridge.
This stems in large part from the United States' different settlement patterns.
The division among owners stems in large part from differing investment philosophies.
"But it also stems in large part from the collusive ties between big business and the Government."
The losses stem in large part from an overall slowdown in business activities and industry conditions during the first two months of the year.
Critics of the industry say that the high termination rates stem in large part from the industry's sales practices.