Next year does not promise stellar returns either.
And over the last three years, several mutual fund companies have provided stellar returns.
Weakness in the economy may make it more difficult for managers of high-yield funds to match last year's stellar returns.
But even with such a stellar return on their real estate investment, the couple aren't eager to own anytime soon.
Prestige names and, in the early years, stellar returns.
Long-Term Capital did produce stellar returns for investors who put money in at the fund's inception, in 1994.
That means we're on shaky ground if we extrapolate recent decades' stellar returns into the future.
Even Microsoft, with years of stellar returns, saw 27 percent of its shares vote against a small option plan for board members in November.
Mr. Soros, who has taken a less active role in his fund group, is not posting stellar returns.
Most of the portfolios will end the June fiscal year with stellar returns, however.