They are inside the stellar mass," the sensor officer announced.
I come, through this, to unwinding of intelligence and perhaps understand what you mean by term, stellar mass.
To do what they did in this dimension, Calebans required the energy of a stellar mass.
"She may even be a stellar mass - at least as far as our dimension is concerned."
The black hole is 17 billion times more massive than the Sun, equivalent to 14% of the total stellar mass of the galaxy.
This method yields a stellar mass between 1.7 and 1.8 solar masses.
One may distinguish between the cases of small and large stellar masses by deriving the above results using radiation pressure.
There is a third term which only becomes significant when larger stellar masses are used.
As in the immediate Solar neighborhood, binarity increases with increasing stellar mass.
When we locate a stellar mass, I want all in readiness for the jump.