Kandrup's work led to greater understanding in the fields of stellar dynamics, chaos, and plasma physics.
In stellar dynamics, a massive body (star, black hole, etc.) can experience Brownian motion as it responds to gravitational forces from surrounding stars.
This distinguishes it from stellar dynamics, which concerns mainly gravitational interactions between stars.
In astronomy, Hénon-is well known for his contributions to stellar dynamics.
Binary systems, star clusters and the galactic-field population: applied stellar dynamics.
Dr. von Hoerner conducted research in stellar dynamics, interstellar communication and life in space.
"Thank you," I said, resolving to access some files on stellar dynamics as soon as possible.
Now as a Stored Mind in the Core he has become an expert in stellar dynamics.
This differs from stellar dynamics, which takes into account gravitational effects.
Zwicky considered his discovery to be "one of the most complicated structures awaiting its explanation on the basis of stellar dynamics".