For all her steely strength of will, she felt soft and fragile to the touch.
Even through the sleeve of her jacket, she could feel the steely strength of his fingers.
In both women he saw beauty, grace, elegance and a kind of delicacy that was heightened, made poignant by the steely strength underpinning it.
His cool, detached tone and manner were at odds with the steely strength imprisoning her.
Deformed his limbs might be, but they possessed a steely strength that was most unexpected.
I nodded, and made to move past him into their room, when he grabbed my arm with a steely strength.
He curled his fingers around her arm with a steely strength that caught her off guard.
He was tall and sinewy, and his fingers gripped her arms with a steely strength.
It has a softness, richness and velvetiness underpinned by a steely strength.
Yet there was no delicacy about him, rather a steely strength.