After her steely hair was done up in waves that were probably very chic in 1948, she crossed the street again.
Though his steely hair and the lines in his face indicated that he was decades older than his fellow workers, the lines of his body seemed ageless.
He sipped from his own cup and looked up at Leaherney's solid, heavy-jowled face topped by steely gray, straight-combed hair.
The creases around his eyes turned to laugh-lines, and for an instant the steely hair seemed to sparkle.
Then there stood in the doorway a thick barrel of a man, bull-necked, shorn of all but a fuzz of steely hair.
His hairline began high up on his forehead, his hair steely gray and long, pulled backward into a knot behind his head.
A face appeared on the other side of the window, the face of an old man with sunken gray cheeks and steely gray hair that wouldn't stay in place.
Mack was a plainclothes Illinois cop, bald head fringed with straight, steely hair, wearing an unfashionably wide tie over a short-sleeved shirt.
He leaned back, the thick bristles of his steely gray hair glistening silver under the light.
He stood up from the couch and, running a hand through his steely hair, started to pace.