The company's basic steel operations reported operating profits of $78 million, compared with $61 million in the 1987 quarter.
LTV has already sold off much of its steel operations.
The reporter happened to mention the name of the fellow in charge of the steel operation.
Still, some analysts and investors wonder why the company is considering selling the steel operation.
It gets us out of metals and puts some cash into the steel operation.
A visit by the president of the corporation's vast steel operation to a union office might seem like business as usual.
It had been trading as high as $55.375 in 1981, the year after the company sold its steel operations.
The steel operation has 122,363 retirees, with an average payroll of 53,522 last year.
Inland said cost-reduction efforts and better results from its steel operations were largely responsible for the improvement.
The company's basic steel operations last year accounted for 93 percent of Bethlehem's sales.