Fortunately for Orin, he was wearing a heavy steel helm.
Without waiting for an answer, Gendry donned his steel helm and walked off.
A featureless black steel helm covered his head completely, and he had never been seen without it.
And then a thought came to him, and he smiled inside his featureless steel helm.
Stephanie considered a rumor that was never more than a whisper: that underneath the steel helm lay the face of a woman, not a man.
Almost shyly, the boy led them to his bench, and a steel helm shaped like a bull's head, with two great curving horns.
"Only one way to find out," said Frost, and Silence didn't need to see past her featureless steel helm to know that she was smiling.
It was Ushak, his prominent ears concealed beneath a conical steel helm.
Gerard's skin burned so hot it was a wonder that his steel helm didn't melt around his ears.
It would protect his nape from being chafed by his steel helm.