Cut off by the sound of the steel hammer crushing her skull.
With the small steel hammer he had brought, he tapped loose samples here and there.
He felt as if he were in a giant metal barrel and someone kept banging it with a steel hammer.
Dorrin follows with the heavy stakes and the black steel hammer.
The same potential ambiguity is present in a stainless steel hammer, and even (although pragmatically less likely)a felt pen.
The woman, a mother of seven, was convicted of killing her husband with a steel hammer.
Shoving a hand into his pocket, Mawson produced the steel hammer instead of the expected note.
Next came the collapsible stand, the long-pointed pliers, and the steel hammer.
A blow like a steel hammer drove into the base of Gerard's neck and flattened him to the platform.
They did more tapping with a steel hammer this time.