The sword still swayed slightly between them, a steel gauntlet, an intolerable challenge.
He could see his steel gauntlet resting on Stelmach's shoulder, but he couldn't feel it.
It was as if he had struck him on the side of the head with a steel gauntlet.
It was, and is, a steel gauntlet to the mush of the 'rap's not real music' whiners.
The desperate man could still kill with his steel gauntlets and murderous fists.
He pulled off his steel gauntlet and tossed it to the floor.
The child squirmed clear, to find herself in the steel gauntlets of another knight.
It was a long watch, and a weary, my hands being half frozen in my steel gauntlets.
With a tremendous effort he reached out and closed one hand around Morwenna's steel gauntlet.
"And you just threw a steel gauntlet into his face," Rhys said, staring at me from the end of the bed.