The buildings are surrounded by high steel fencing.
The Oval has been viewed as a historic ground as it retains concrete terraces and steel fencing.
The southern staircase's steel fencing does not have the standard black sign saying what station this is and what trains serve it.
Kits are available to contruct a compost area out of chicken wire or stronger steel fencing with plastic coating.
A double barrier of steel fencing was erected around the convention hall.
A ring of steel fencing went up around Parliament.
All this is made of plastic and surrounded by metres-high steel fencing.
The fencing near the footpath on all sides were replaced with a strong 10-foot high steel fencing.
The new border wall is 2.5m high and made up of a concrete lower half and steel fencing on the upper half.
Just short of it was roadwork surrounded by steel fencing; the cobblestones were up and the pipes were being repaired.