The building is built in the International style, with a white steel facade with black patterns just below the windows.
Early on, the Gothic shard of the south tower's steel facade loomed darkly above the smoking ruins at ground zero.
Across the street, its glass and steel facade jewellike, was the pride of Metropolitan Hospital of Boston.
Mr. Petrarca's home has a black steel facade of pencil-slender columns between bold spandrel panels, subtly and serenely recalling cast-iron buildings.
The black steel facade was ornately trimmed with gold swirls and curlicues.
A determining factor was the development of new processes in producing steel (Bessemer process) which made possible the construction of steel façades.
One George Street has a design of a homogeneous metalic box, due to its appearance from outside and the steel facade.
I have left it to fate, and fate decrees that the pottery shop is shut, unrecognizable behind its steel facade.
Multiton pieces of the building's steel facade stuck into the street like giant cross-cut potato chips.
The restaurant presents a frosty, hard-edge face to the world outside, with thick, translucent windows and an artfully bronzed steel facade.