She drew the steel dagger that, like her brothers, she had gotten In- geborg to buy for her with a bit of Liri gold.
But most of all Robyn saw the woman's steel dagger, extended like a claw for her heart.
He pulled it out with a blasphemous oath, drew his steel dagger and stabbed the log because he must stab something.
She held Lebannen's short steel dagger naked in her hand.
The earliest type of bayonet was the plug bayonet, a steel dagger with a wooden handle that fit into the muzzle of a musket.
He clattered up to the trio barring his way in the road, saw steel wink-a dagger or hunting knife-in the hand of Dawes.
I wondered how many enemies had been lured in by that softness only to find the steel dagger inside all that silk.
He leaned his shovel against the side of the hole, knelt on the stones, and began to probe between them with his bright steel dagger.
His steel dagger had leaped from its sheath and slammed with some force against the iron tree, stuck fast.
She reached down and with one swift gesture plucked from his belt the little steel dagger she had given him.