The 3.2 also received a stronger steel crankshaft.
It has a forged steel crankshaft and cast connecting rods.
With five main bearings on a forged steel crankshaft, the engine is extremely smooth and durable.
All the pre-1968 engines used a forged steel crankshaft.
The forged steel crankshaft is fully balanced with eight counterweights and supported by five main bearings.
The 292 forged steel crankshaft was popular with motor enthusiasts in increasing the performance potential of the 312.
Many 427s used a steel crankshaft and all were balanced internally.
The engine received a forged steel crankshaft in October 2003.
The drop-forged steel, six-throw crankshaft runs in seven main bearings.
This engine used a forged steel crankshaft with three bearings and cast-iron pistons.