They'll find the ruins of the Brooklyn Bridge and marvel over how it could have been constructed using only steam-powered machines.
The models below all feature pump-brewing espresso systems, which are considered superior to (but more expensive than) steam-powered machines.
At least one of Lombard's steam-powered machines apparently remains in working order.
Meanwhile, back at the construction site, the goat eats a steam-powered machine and begins to float upward.
In 1924 the firm purchased its first petroleum-powered machine, replacing the steam-powered machines it used to that time.
They're using steam-powered machines to make the cartridges.
The film is considered to be a notable example of the steampunk genre, where steam-powered machines in the Victorian age are prominently used.
Babbage controlled building of some steam-powered machines that more or less did their job; calculations could be mechanized to an extent.
They had a new steam-powered machine for the production of flat coinage.
Of course, you can save money by going with a steam-powered machine.