This method has many benefits, including avoiding petrochemical residues in the product and the loss of some "top notes" when steam distillation is used.
The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dry resin.
The roses are gathered by hand and brought to a central location for steam distillation.
The sodio-indene is converted back to indene by steam distillation.
An essential oil is produced by steam distillation.
This results in the "steam distillation" of the volatiles.
A diagram of an apparatus used for steam distillation is shown in figure 6.24.
Keroselene is a highly volatile derivative during the steam distillation of coal-tar.
A far more efficient method, which prevents burning of the distillate, is steam distillation.
Lemongrass essential oil is produced by steam distillation of the freshly cut leaves, or can be extracted using alcohol.