The steamboat also featured a 44 whistle steam calliope, which was the largest on the Mississippi River system.
A ship on the river sang with a steam calliope.
It also features a steam calliope, made by the Frisbee Engine Company, that has 32 notes.
The wheezing music of the steam calliope came muffled to his ears.
Peru is also the home of the world's only remaining manufacturer of steam calliopes.
The horn sounded, really not a horn but a recording of a steam calliope at full blast.
There was a steam calliope with real live steam.
The steam calliope is also known as a steam organ or steam piano.
A calliope may have anywhere from 25 to 67 whistles, but 32 is traditional for a steam calliope.
While only a small number of working steamboats still exist, each has a steam calliope.