After tricking the Imperial Steam Trooper guards (steam cabinets) to let them into the city, they reach a cantina, which Fluke describes as "too weird".
Soon afterwards, several attempts to kill Freddie are made, including gun shots at window of his booby trapped room, and locking him in a steam cabinet.
Then, I was moved into another room and placed in a "steam cabinet" to release bodily toxins.
We'll keep our buns in a steam cabinet the way they did when men were men and the sausage was the backbone of an empire.
A wooden steam cabinet sits in a corner.
The Abhyanga treatment starts with a head massage, progresses to the body, using medicated oil, and ends in the steam cabinet, Carry On film-style.
An adjustment panel outside the door would cause it to extrude various appurtenances in memory plastic, to become a washroom, a shower stall, a toilet, a dressing room, a steam cabinet.
Looks like Winston Churchill in a steam cabinet.
"Anyone could do a steam cabinet," said Joseph A. Foster, Whirlpool's director for fabric care.
It is also the reason that carcasses pass through a hot steam cabinet and get sprayed with an antimicrobial solution before being hung in the cooler at the National Beef plant.