A secret Air Force inquiry has concluded that it was a combination of tactics, quick learning and improvisation that helped the Serbs shoot down a stealth jet two weeks ago.
The stealth jet, with its forward-swept wings, made only a brief appearance.
If stealth jets got wet or opened their bomb bay doors, they would become visible on the radar screens.
There will be a focus on developing increasing air and naval power, and on advanced weapons such as even more sophisticated stealth jets, missiles and drones, along with cyberwarfare and space capabilities too.
Transformers: Crossovers line (2010) by Hasbro - A War Machine figure which is supposed to be an upgraded version of his armor from the second Iron Man film, which is larger and turns into a stealth jet.
The general also felt that the Allies had just flown one or more of their stealth jets over the region.
The photo, purporting to show a new stealth jet in flight, has been accused of being a fake as the image of the mountain appears to have come from a stock wallpaper site.
Four years after the Northrop Grumman Corporation stopped producing B-2 bombers because Congress had balked at their $2.2-billion-apiece price, supporters of the stealth jet are hoping for a revival of the program.
Including his hours in the F-117, Brown has more flight time in stealth jets than any other pilot in the world.
The aircraft seemed to include features like special high-tech materials, harsh angles, and flat surfaces, found only on sophisticated stealth jets.