The three men stole horses and made their way back to Montana, stealing supplies as they went.
Because you know what will happen if you do and they find out you've been stealing medical supplies, he wanted to add, but didn't.
They would steal supplies that their communities needed to survive, such as food, tools, and weapons.
Many workers who were unpaid destroyed parts of the canal and stole supplies.
The rebels also kidnap a nurse and steal medical supplies.
No, I can only assume that a parent, or perhaps both of your parents, stole supplies from the ship's stores.
She is wounded during a raid to steal medical supplies but comes back fighting.
This is merely a distraction so her husband and their friends can steal food and supplies.
Tuvok believes they will attack within the next few hours to steal the ship's food and supplies.
It's obviously hemorrhaging funds in terms of people stealing supplies.