Not only were they here to steal Memu Bay's hard-earned wealth, their very presence endangered everyone.
Our fighters are not thieves - they serve and protect the Clan from those who would steal our wealth.
Bingtown is not Chalced, to steal a woman's wealth and give it to her husband.
He stole the country's wealth, but did he give it to us?
"We're not exactly out to steal an opponent's wealth."
Shukra, the preceptor of the demons, is also recorded to have defeated Kubera and stolen his wealth.
He would let us die a choking death so that he can bring in his powerful friends to steal our wealth.
Almost everybody here seems convinced that the people they are electing to office are stealing the country's wealth.
The Red Ships had raided our shores for years, stealing our wealth.
To control the mist he guarded and steal his wealth.