Olivia's laugh tinkled just a bit too brightly, reminding Hawk that she was a woman who delighted in stealing another woman's man.
She accused me of trying to steal her man and attacked me.
Her mother has not only allowed these rapes to occur, but also beats Precious for stealing her man.
You had come - Isabelle's daughter - to steal another woman's man, as your mother did before you.
Anyone remember the Heartbreaker video where she had an evil twin trying to steal her man?
It may be that a woman who would steal another woman's man deserves to live.
It gets across the emotion of somebody trying to steal your man away and then fighting for what's yours, getting back to a place where you're in control.
I didn't steal your phony man; wouldn't touch the thing!
Thou hast stolen our man with not a word on it.
- 2 months ago Jen should rot for stealing her man and life in general.