The Periodic Steady-State or PSS analysis directly computed the periodic steady-state response of a circuit.
The response can be classified as one of three types of damping that describes the output in relation to the steady-state response.
Auditory steady-state response (ASSR)
Therefore, a single FDTD simulation can provide either ultrawideband temporal waveforms or the sinusoidal steady-state response at any frequency within the excitation spectrum.
Picton, T. W., Dimitrijevic, A., Perez-Abalo, M. C., and Van Roon, P.Estimating audiometric thresholds using auditory steady-state responses.
The applications where this is common are ones where there is interest only in the steady-state response of an LTI system, not the fleeting turn-on and turn-off behaviors or stability issues.
In control theory, the response to any input is a combination of a transient response and steady-state response.
Graphical determination of the steady-state response of a two-terminal nonlinear component to connection of a direct source has already been treated in section 3.10 where the concepts of load line and operating point were introduced.
This new dosage is administered to the patient for a appropariate time period, and once the steady-state response is reached, then the new response YD is measured.
Norton's theorem and its dual, Thévenin's theorem, are widely used for circuit analysis simplification and to study circuit's initial-condition and steady-state response.