He jabbed new aim with each recoil of a gun and his close-range thrusts took steady toll.
She leaned back against the doorjamb and looked quietly up at the sky, listening to the steady toll of Roche's bell.
He appeared on national news programs to say conditions were improving in Iraq for most people, despite the steady toll of terrorist bombings.
Such a one, though most of it in French hands, was enfiladed by a German machine gun at each end, which exacted a steady toll.
It was as though its soul had gone out of it, and now all it wanted was to allow the seasons to take their steady toll.
The red mage managed to keep from being hit anywhere vital, but the daggers were taking a steady toll.
But if, as is the case in modern life, most days have minor crises and stresses, the secretion of cortisol takes a steady toll on health.
The range was not great, about three hundred yards; they were taking steady toll.
During these operations German light and medium Flak took a steady toll of Tempest units.
The steady toll of insurgent violence continued Sunday.