The white noise of the rain was too high, the rolling thunder too steady.
Coming out of the fog, from a source whose distance could not be guessed, was the steady thunder of falling water.
Just ahead the river plunged into a waterfall, its steady thunder giving rise to a fine watery smoke.
The sound of the river had become very loud, filling even their dreams with its steady thunder.
A steady thunder of surf came drifting up from the darkness below.
The floor vibrated gently against the soles of his feet, and from all around came muted, steady thunder.
Now the sound of the birds against the door was a steady thunder and it began to slip slowly open on its central pivot.
And the drums beat a steady thunder all the while.
The deep, steady thunder of the supercharger spilled out behind.
Israeli artillery fire, directed at open areas in northern Gaza, maintained a steady thunder.