During the late 2000s and early 2010s the boots have seen a steady surge in popularity.
But a steady surge in demand in recent years - led by China's emergence as a voracious importer of oil - has changed that.
With a steady surge of thunder, the water rose, and rose, until at last it trembled on the edge of the embankment.
Takari began to vary the pace, slowing for a time and wandering an erratic course, then plowing ahead in a sudden, steady surge.
The result has been a steady surge in Robbins's reputation as a ballet choreographer.
The fear of crime is so strong in America from slum to sunny playland that it should be creating a steady unified surge of action.
The power is exhilarating, a steady surge that begins immediately and continues to build.
Its goal for the holiday season was about $20 million in sales, and a steady surge of orders recently has made that target seem attainable.
Eli pressed the right pedal and the car moved forward with a steady surge of acceleration.
A long recession and a steady surge in European unemployment have made many people insecure.