A steady roster of conservative stars like Bill O'Reilly was augmented by coverage that suggested that the Democrats were trying to shoplift an election.
But an audience wants laughs for its money, meaning the Strip keeps a steady roster of talent on call.
Buffoons in the Basement The Cellar is one of the city's most dependable comedy spots, with a steady roster of professional comics and decent-to-packed crowds most days.
However the label is still active and maintains a steady roster of roughly a half dozen bands, and continues to be the home of The Vandals.
The union is seeking increases in wages and health care, and is demanding that the orchestras establish steady rosters and formal hiring and firing procedures.
We have a steady roster.
To start with, she sticks to a steady roster of 2,200 customers, most from suburban New Jersey, whose bona fides have been thoroughly checked out.
On the other hand, the company's success has been built on the efforts of a fairly steady roster of singers, some of whom have worked with Mr. Bergeret for a decade.
Maintaining a steady roster has been Mr. Soldier's biggest difficulty with the quartet.
Freelance orchestras have steady rosters, seniority, wage guarantees and health and pension benefits.