There's also an LED light that you can switch modes with: aside from steady illumination, there's a breathing pattern, flashing "laser" mode, and another setting that just makes it brighter.
He stepped inside, expecting the pale steady illumination of the camp light from Saavik's kit.
The transformation was miraculous; from a flickering yellowish flame had issued a steady, strong, beautiful illumination.
Oil lamps hung in each of the four corners of the room, suspended from the ceiling on silver wires, creating steady illumination that covered everything in a white-yellow glow.
The sunlight in the temple was even brighter now, a clear and steady illumination that seemed not to depend entirely on the windows for its source.
Lowness gives way to soaring height and gloom is dispelled by the steady illumination of nearly a score of windows.
With his left hand he kept a slow and regular squeezing on the flashlight that produced steady illumination.
The major population centers resembled webs of steady, artificial-looking illumination that radiated out from several points in the highlands and traced wide paths along the coastlines.
By common consent, the metal shields were activated and slid back over the viewing ports, returning the main console room to its steady internal illumination.
A steady yellow illumination meant a glow lamp, and a glow lamp meant her rescuer was no ordinary farmer or woodsman.