Johnston says he is troubled by evidence that the steady drop in smoking has now leveled off.
She has held to this view despite a steady drop in the Conservative Party's popularity over the last year.
This is has been a steady drop since 1958 when there were 223 ha/551 acres of the variety in cultivation.
But there has been a steady drop in mortgage-interest rates over the last six years.
Then, with a groan from deep inside the lock's machinery, we began our steady drop.
Throughout Europe there has been a steady drop in religious attendance since the nineteenth century.
This was encouraged by a steady drop in hard drive prices.
Once at the top the log goes back out into the open before dropping a steady drop to the splashdown.
Then they began a steady drop in 1996 to a low of 10.1 a day last October.
After which high point there was a steady drop for the next thirty years.