I can feel the cold in my fingers, but guilt, anxiety, regret, all those steady companions, disappear as my pulse rate increases.
At the same time, adult dogs, when they are raised properly, are known to become steady, well-behaved and affectionate companions.
Did Elvis's unappeasable appetite have its origin in his early years when hunger was a steady companion?
Alan's steadiest companion is Connie, but even she's running out of patience with his lack of interest in settling down.
His most steady companion during that time was a humorless Chinese bureaucrat assigned to follow him around as a chaperon.
It is all I need to keep Rainier as a steady companion.
He had a house full of them, as well as a steady human companion, Talbot.
TV is also, perhaps, our one steady, loyal, reliable companion; many Americans keep it flickering even when they're not watching.
The wind pressed against him, a steady companion upon whose shoulders he could lean.
I haven't been able to find even a whiff of a steady or serious companion.