There was much low cloud in the sky, steadily thickening.
However, there had been no reaction, or any hint of an intelligent signal, from below the steadily thickening clouds.
Sylveste pushed Pascale down a constricting bolthole into steadily thickening darkness.
That afternoon the snow began to fall in great dry flakes, thickening steadily.
The snow, although not yet blinding, was thickening steadily, and the Count had to give his exclusive attention to the road.
This world had grown its steadily thickening atmosphere only in the last few decades, the astronomers said.
The mood in Mallorys thickened steadily around them.
The clouds had been steadily thickening as she descended, and the sliver of sky still visible to her was iron-grey.
Now, with the sunblocks steadily thickening toward three figures, Peg no longer had to justify herself to the rest of the world.
Beyond his conscious control it dived and tunneled its way through a thick green ooze that thickened steadily with depth.