All the while, she kept barking the disarming commands into the bracelet, but with steadily draining hope that she could have any influence over the weapons.
Some of this water will steadily drain through the soil (via gravity) and end up in the waterways and streams.
Its loss would sap the steadily draining reservoir of national will, with unpredictable political consequences.
I saw friends steadily drained of life.
He would have had longer just lying on the ramp, but moving had shortened his life, quickened the sapping forces steadily draining him of strength and vitality.
With the population decline steadily draining city tax revenues, Congress created a control board with broad powers to intervene anywhere it deemed change was necessary.
She wanted to do no more than be where she was, for it seemed that strength drained steadily from her as blood flowing from an open wound.
All I know is that our power levels are draining steadily.
Providing the psychic shield needed to keep the terrorists from invading the room with their own waves of power had been steadily draining her strength.
But it was hard to hold on to hope when his strength drained away steadily.