Over the years the colony had steadily depleted its supply of flying machines.
Moreover, the forests of Kumaon, once abundant and rich in grazing, had been steadily depleted not so much by the local population as by large scale commercial exploitation.
Ever since European Architectural Heritage year, the ranks of the Modern Movement diehards have been steadily depleted.
Due to mass lack of enforcement and education, the African manatee population is still being steadily depleted.
But he said that even at that rate the pool of available workers is being steadily depleted because the labor force has been growing at only 1.4 percent.
Continued regulation of old gas, which is being steadily depleted, is not seen as a major difficulty for producers or consumers.
Their firepower has been steadily depleted, but the Sonics still have a loose cannon.
Strategic stockpiles of synthofood were being steadily depleted as efforts were made to keep the population fed and ignorant of the crisis going on around them.
The helicopter has a finite amount of fuel which is steadily depleted as the level progresses.
As a result, Ianule's fortune is steadily depleted, and he comes to rely on expected proceeds from his investment in the business of his brothers-in-law, while steadily falling into debt.