Thus, the orders of the lower court should be affirmed, the temporary stay imposed by this court should be lifted, and the commission should be allowed to finally certify the properly cast votes of the people of Florida.
She ruled against vacating the stay imposed by the Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit upon the Federal District Court's preliminary injunction.
Judge William Stocks lifted the automatic stay imposed by Nifong's bankruptcy filing, and announced that the plaintiffs can pursue their lawsuit.
Attorney General Janet Reno should move immediately, either before the full Circuit Court of Appeals or a Supreme Court justice, to have the stay imposed by this court lifted.
The Court's decision, lifting a stay imposed by one of its Justices, means that any Florida girl, regardless of age, can now have an abortion without the approval of a parent or judge.
Following the Parliament's waiver, the Attorney General applied to lift the stay imposed by Judge Aikens.
Kennedy's ruling, lifting a stay imposed upon habeas petitions in 2005, pending the resolution of Boumediene v. Bush, was cited in several other habeas petitions.
The stay abruptly imposed by five justices at midafternoon was an unwarranted intervention that could well deny the country its last chance to determine which candidate has the stronger title to the state's decisive 25 electors.
And a 90-day stay imposed on the demolition of Rudolph's Brutalist Blue Cross/Blue Shield building (1960) in Boston expires on June 11.
A12 A Florida girl may have an abortion without her parents' consent or knowledge as the result of a U.S. Supreme Court decision to lift a stay imposed by one of its Justices.