He named as his attorney general the staunchly conservative John Ashcroft.
The 1st District has been in Republican hands since a 1977 special election and is widely considered to be staunchly conservative.
Coming from a staunchly conservative, two-syllable past, I longed desperately for such melody in my life.
I accept that most of my fellow parishioners are staunchly conservative.
Historically, that agenda has been a staunchly conservative one.
The candidates included staunchly conservative figures who were put forward for sensitive positions in the ministries of intelligence, culture and interior.
He has maintained a staunchly conservative voting record on economic issues.
Polls consistently indicate that there are more staunchly conservative Americans than liberal ones.
They're staunchly conservative, and the press will eat them alive.
He held it for 12 years, making his name as a staunchly conservative politician.