The Kerr family were staunch members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Even among the staunchest members of the Communist Party, there turned out to be a few good ones.
Silberrad was a regular churchgoer, being a staunch member of the Church of England.
For many years, he remained a staunch member of the League.
The Torriani were a staunch member of the Guelphparty.
The events at Athens Polytechnic unfolded precisely as the dictatorship's more staunch members had hoped.
Simpson's mother's family were staunch members of the Scottish conversionist Brethren church.
Numbers of the staunchest members of Congress were departing for home, claiming the need for rest.
His father, Gerald Mulcahy, was a staunch member of the famous Glen Rovers club.
The European Union has been a staunch and committed member of the international coalition against terrorism.