Most workers are insured through compulsory membership of "sickness funds" that are non-profit entities established originally by trades unions and now given statutory status.
The New Forest will be given a statutory status which will give it as great a level of protection as any National Park.
The American Arbitration Association is also an SRO with official, statutory status.
Investigation into the acquisition of statutory status for the South African LIS sector.
The board was given statutory status in 1948 under the Industrial Organisation and Development Act 1947.
It is also declared a monument of regional importance giving it statutory protective status.
The CBI Director who has statutory status can be pressurised by promising post retirement jobs etc.
The most important innovation is the new employment initiative, which, hopefully, will achieve statutory status.
Where an exchange is given power to make its rules by statute, those rules will normally have statutory status as well.
They were given statutory status under the Industrial Development Act of 1995.