He added, at p. 198, that, in his opinion, if recovery in all cases is to be the general rule, then that was best achieved through the route of statutory reform.
The book was a major element in the popular debate about the liberalisation of divorce law in the mid-1930s, and helped pave the way for the 1937 statutory reforms.
The alleged "unnecessary" statutory reforms, such as submitted in the Catalan, and Andalusian referendums with very high levels of abstention.
In both of these countries statutory reform has altered the manner in which real property dealings are conducted.
"I am confident that they will produce appropriate actions within the criminal justice system and recommendations for whatever statutory reform may be required."
Modern English contract law is composed primarily of case law decided by the English courts following the Judicature Acts and supplemented by statutory reform.
His speech at New York University was a mischievous attack on efforts to enact strong statutory reforms that would prevent another Enron disaster.
We need statutory reform to refine and tie down what municipalities can use as an excuse for eminent domain.
Mandatory sentencing laws require incarceration for most of these inmates, and statutory reform is necessary to bring relief.
Constitutional initiatives require the signature of 8% of recent voters to qualify for the ballot; statutory reforms require 6%.