I have therefore decided that the Department will not seek to place the existing preschool policy on a statutory basis at this time.
The state public defender's office recently filed legal documents saying there is no statutory or constitutional basis for such an agreement.
The Government has no plans to give that a statutory basis, and none to put either security service under parliamentary oversight.
However, the code does not have any specific statutory basis.
That amendment would put the youth service on a proper statutory basis.
Because the plan forms the statutory basis for planning decisions, local people are involved in its preparation.
However, none of these new bodies was ever established on a statutory basis despite indications to the contrary.
The reason for this is historical and lies in the foundation's statutory basis.
The statutory basis for this claim is less than clear.
In 1829 a further, public, act was passed which placed the commissioners on a statutory basis, and gave them increased powers.