The association's statutes did not permit the admission of foreigners.
The statute permits actual damages of not less than $1,000 or $100 per day.
The statute, for instance, permitted any man to take liquor with meals.
The statute permits future exemption only if 80 percent of the occupants are 55 years or older (one occupant per unit must pass that test).
Generally, the statute permits electronic surveillance in two scenarios.
Anne Maher, assistant director of advertising at the commission, said statutes would not permit that.
Public authorities are creatures of statute and can do no more than the statute permits them to do.
Unless a statute or these rules permit otherwise, the government must prosecute an offense in a district where the offense was committed.
We are defending our position on grounds that the statutes permit the conservation of property values.
The statute permits the use of revenues from a completed project to pay off the debt service on state bonds issued to finance the project.