Some statutes exclude artificial feeding from procedures that can be withdrawn, some include it, some are ambiguous, and some have already been sharply limited by court rulings.
However, the statute defining the Adirondack Park specifically excludes Dannemora and nearby Altona, due to the prison facilities located in both towns.
The statute could not be challenged until ten years later but did not totally exclude the possibility of an ultimate change.
The statute on which the appellant relies excludes him, by its terms, from its benefits.
The statute, adopted with the strong backing of anti-abortion groups, specifically excludes medical abortions, which are permissible under state law.
The statute excludes only merchandise "of foreign manufacture," which the majority says might mean "manufactured by a foreigner" rather than "manufactured in a foreign country."
The plaintiffs alleged that the statute excluded nonwhites from one district and concentrated them in the other three.
The statute further expressly excludes any sites that:
The common-law rules of natural justice applied unless the relevant statute had expressly or by necessary implication excluded them.