Please feel free to ask to check the status of your state.
KATHLEEN BROWN, California's state treasurer, came to New York this week to meet with officials of bond-rating agencies, financiers, bankers and Wall Street executives, shuttling from one discussion of the fiscal status of her state to another.
Studies conducted by Kerala Forest Research Institute and MS Swaminathan Research Foundation found that the status of its endangered state can be upgraded as new sightings of the specimens are found elsewhere.
The party also plans to keep the special status of India's only Muslim state and to refrain from building a Hindu temple at the site of a mosque destroyed by Hindu mobs five years ago.
Palestinian leaders said they would move quickly to form a provisional government that can negotiate the borders and the status of their declared state.
"We will be able to argue for this document in Parliament, and deputies without doubt will confirm their earlier decision on the non-nuclear status of our state," he said.
The historian Sima Guang, author of Zizhi Tongjian, made the following commentary about Emperor Wen with regard to the status of his state at this time:
But that psychological commonality has no bearing on the status of the judger's state of mind from the point of view of assessing whether she is in a position to acquire knowledge.