Among the needs would be good documentation of I.Q. and other mental status exams throughout life.
Brown's IRB required a mental status exam to ensure patients could understand the research dimensions of the project before they could be enrolled in the study.
The court made clear that a brief mental status exam was insufficient.
This knowledge must be integrated with the psychological information obtained from testing, psychological and mental status exams, and appropriate assessment of background materials, such as police reports, prior psychiatric or psychological evaluations, medical records and other available pertinent information.
Also, the doctor will do a functional status exam and a mental health assessment.
"But I do have to do a mental status exam."
She is also a forensic psychologist, specializing in the evaluation and treatment of criminal defendants, and provides competency evaluations, mental status exams risk assessments and other forensic evaluations.
Since I've been informed that you don't exist," the man went on, his mouth quirking now in a half-grin, "I won't check your response to the standard mental status exam: no person, place, and time.
"Ever hear of a mental status exam?"
It is a term used frequently in mental status exams.