Associated Press photographer Laurent Rebours photographed Popaditch in his tank's cupola, smoking a cigar with the statue of Saddam looming in the background.
I drove along Monument Avenue, where statues of Confederate generals on horses loomed over traffic circles, ghostly in the milky swirl of snow.
The statue loomed directly before them, a massive chunk of - stone that seemed to defy the light Walker had evoked to defuse the darkness.
The great statue of Asherat loomed beneath the high, pointed central dome, and it took only a glance for me to see that she was old, very old.
A massive statue of Mao loomed from behind a building.
A statue of Pope Innocent X loomed over 25 European Union leaders as they signed a Constitution that does not mention the continent's Christian roots.
On the ridge behind the hacienda, the statue of the headless horse loomed eerie and menacing against the low, scudding clouds.
Throughout the battlefield monuments and statues loom majestically and have a way of turning one's thoughts inward.
Here and there statues loomed over sundials that were useless at this hour.
The statue of Christ looms over Rio de Janeiro.